Friday, May 4, 2012

    Well, I had a very interesting weekend last week, I decided to try out my "dressing for pleasure" skills by goin out to Scarborough Faire. I was a little nervous at first but as I got to the front gate to buy my tickets I was hailed as "good day m'lady". So at least the initial test was done to see if anyone would at least call me a lady. 
    I wondered around the faire and stopped at a corset shop to buy a new "real" corset, as I had never really had one that was worth a dam to begin with. Those store bought corsets like u get from Fredericks are not really corsets. This one I got though was really nice and fit extremely well. I was wearing a long sleeve (mistake number one) chemise under-dress and a black (mistake number two) over-dress. I had on a tarten fabric style bodice that wasn't really the best in the world. That's what u get when u buy stuff on e-bay. Anyhow, after the corset was put on I felt alot better about myself and the shop people were really nice and again I was called a "lady".
    After a few shows and some grub, I spied another shop that had some very nice clothes. I bought another whole outfit and a very nice short bodice type corset. I paid about $450 for the whole set. Which included, a white under-dress, another black over-dress and a red on the shoulder top. An interesting thing though, as I was beginning to get changed, the girl there told me to "take off my bra as the bodice will fit better with out it". Now, I had on false "girls" so the taking off of the bra would present a problem. I politely told her that i would rather leave it on and she responded to me that it was my choice.
    Now as I was finally dressed, I came out of the stall in full clothing, dresses and all. She then proceeded to put me into the bodice, lacing me up and tightening it as well. She even "touched" the sides of my "girls". These false breasts feel real, they r made of the softest medical grade silicone available. So I hope she did not notice that they were not "real". Now that I am fully trussed up in my new digs, I feel even more like a woman than when I first came in. 

                               This is me in my new outfit at Scarborough Faire.

 So, as u can see, I passed the test and was called "a lady" while I was out in public. I know some people might have guessed I was a guy dressed as a woman but no one said anything to me about it. I really don't care what people think about me doing this, I am comfortable and I can do it.

Cheers, Drusylla