Friday, May 4, 2012

    Well, I had a very interesting weekend last week, I decided to try out my "dressing for pleasure" skills by goin out to Scarborough Faire. I was a little nervous at first but as I got to the front gate to buy my tickets I was hailed as "good day m'lady". So at least the initial test was done to see if anyone would at least call me a lady. 
    I wondered around the faire and stopped at a corset shop to buy a new "real" corset, as I had never really had one that was worth a dam to begin with. Those store bought corsets like u get from Fredericks are not really corsets. This one I got though was really nice and fit extremely well. I was wearing a long sleeve (mistake number one) chemise under-dress and a black (mistake number two) over-dress. I had on a tarten fabric style bodice that wasn't really the best in the world. That's what u get when u buy stuff on e-bay. Anyhow, after the corset was put on I felt alot better about myself and the shop people were really nice and again I was called a "lady".
    After a few shows and some grub, I spied another shop that had some very nice clothes. I bought another whole outfit and a very nice short bodice type corset. I paid about $450 for the whole set. Which included, a white under-dress, another black over-dress and a red on the shoulder top. An interesting thing though, as I was beginning to get changed, the girl there told me to "take off my bra as the bodice will fit better with out it". Now, I had on false "girls" so the taking off of the bra would present a problem. I politely told her that i would rather leave it on and she responded to me that it was my choice.
    Now as I was finally dressed, I came out of the stall in full clothing, dresses and all. She then proceeded to put me into the bodice, lacing me up and tightening it as well. She even "touched" the sides of my "girls". These false breasts feel real, they r made of the softest medical grade silicone available. So I hope she did not notice that they were not "real". Now that I am fully trussed up in my new digs, I feel even more like a woman than when I first came in. 

                               This is me in my new outfit at Scarborough Faire.

 So, as u can see, I passed the test and was called "a lady" while I was out in public. I know some people might have guessed I was a guy dressed as a woman but no one said anything to me about it. I really don't care what people think about me doing this, I am comfortable and I can do it.

Cheers, Drusylla

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Situational dressing

   There comes a time when dressing for pleasure is not feaseable and other times it can be done and little is said about it. As I drive, my style of dress does not really get noticed. Trucks and cars pass me on the freeway and little or no eye contact is made, mainly due to the speed of the vehicles that pass me makes it almost impossible to get a good look at the persons in other vehicles. So, whatever I decide to wear makes no difference.
   On the other hand, whenever I decide to stop to get a bite to eat or to fuel the truck I have to be mindful of my surroundings and decide on whether or not my clothes will be noticed or not. This morning I put on my mini skirt, shirt skirt and corset along with my boots and fueled the truck up. There were other trucks in the fuel lanes but I was parked on the last lane on my side of the island. Yeah a few trucks pulled in but no one, that I could tell, really looked at me or paid me much attention. So far so good, I played the situation and "got away with it". So its onto the freeway I go and start my drive to my final destination in Ohio.
   I finally arrived in Ohio and get parked at a truckstop  for the night and decide to go get a bite to eat. I slip out of mini skirt and put on my long multi-layered skirt instead. I get out of the truck thinking that the restaurant is not really busy. I get closer and notice that are a number of people there and decide that its not really worth the risk of goin in looking like I do. I assessed the situation and made the decision to change into normal street clothes. And its a good thing I did cause I was stopped by another driver and asked a few questions about trucking stuff.
   So you see, I do think about where I am in order to make a decision on what type of dress is appropriate. I try not to really push the idea of me being a guy wearing "girley" clothes in public. There was a time that I would have changed no matter what the situation was cause I did not want anyone to know my "secret". I was very cautious about what other people would think. I guess this goes back to my early teen years or something.
   As far as I can remember I have been dressing in girl clothes and have hid it from people because I was afraid of what they would say or think or how they would react to seeing me. There were a few people in my life that have tried to get me to change who I was in order to be "normal". I can even recall a time when I was taken to a child psychologist in order to get me to come clean about my desire to wear girl clothes. I think that only lasted one or two visits when it was discovered that I would not talk about it. I lived with a certain parental figure where I discovered that it was ok to do this but not around other people and not out of the house. You could say it was sorta forced upon me as a kid and I have not learned to outgrow it. Some would say that its just a "phase" and I would outgrow it in time. Well some 25 years have passed and I still have not outgrown it yet.
   I have probably mentioned one time b4 that my wife knows to a point that i still dress in girl clothes on the truck. She has even tried to get me to change. I guess I'm stubborn or something. I have tried on my own to get rid of the clothes and had succeeded at one time, but like all habits they seem to return and re-assert themselves in the life of the individual. Me included. I have given up on trying to get rid of it and just go on about my life as best I can. Like I mentioned b4, I'm not gay or trying to be a trans-sexual person. I simply enjoy being who I am and doing what I like to do. I know it may bother some people, especially family members, those that know that is, but I will not try to force them to understand. I just won't let them know. 
   So the situation does dictate on whether or not I can wear what I want to in public. I am mindful of what the general population may think regarding this lifestyle. It goes especially for certain areas of the country, like the southern states area for example. 


Friday, October 15, 2010

Clothes don't make the person.........

   Well, I'm back. Today was an interesting day. I started my day in my "normal" clothes in order to conduct business at a receiver,  mind you it was not what I had in mind but it was the first thing I decided to throw on. But of course that did not last very long. After I had done my delivery and had pulled away from the dock, I had parked the truck and sent in my forms to the company so they would know I was done there. I decided to change clothes and put on "more comfortable attire".
   I started by putting on my stockings and then the rest of things, bra and such. I put on my ren-style shirt dress and then a mini skirt which I changed later to a long multi-layered skirt. I had on my boots and finished it out with one of my corsets. So now I am "comfortable". You would think that having a corset on is not very comfortable but I can assure you, it is. For several reasons I might add. One being that it helps with your posture and with me sitting all the time my back can get alittle stiff and sore from all the bouncing around while driving. Two, it adds the "figure enhancement" of the body, ie, shaping the body into the recognizable "hourglass" figure. And three, it compliments the outfit I am wearing.
   So now that I have on my outfit I head on over to the next shipper for which I have already been sent info for. I takes me about an hour to get there thanks to traffic but I get there eventually. I get out of the truck and there are already a couple of other trucks there as well, and head into the shipping office. During this short walk I notice one of the drivers looking at me but I decide not to pay him much attention and go on about my way anyway.
   The guy at the front desk sees me but says nothing, I am noting his reaction however subtle it may be, to the way I am dressed. I tel him I am there for the load and he begins to instruct me on what I have to do. Next, some time goes by and its time for me to get my bills and I am told that I have to come in and put a strap across the back of the load and sign the bills. Again, I get out of the truck and the guy walks with me into the building. I know he's reacting to my attire but like the guy before him, he says nothing and carries on like normal. I even talk to the guy while I am signing the bills and he bids me a safe trip.
    I eventually get out of the area and to the truck stop I am to fuel up at and decide to park it for the night. I was hungry, I mean really hungry, I had not had the chance, well actually I did but I won't say why, to get a bite to eat since arriving at my previous delivery. I get out of the truck still clad in the days attire and walk up to the restaurant. I find a seat and place my order. The waitress says nothing to me but I know she notices what I am wearing. Anyway, I eat my food and get ready to leave and as the waitress, "I know there is something you want to ask me".
" What do you mean?" she says.
"About what I am wearing", I say.
"No, what about it? You got a problem with it?"
"No" I say, " I don't have a problem with it, but I thought I would ask anyway".
" It don't matter what you wear as long as you feel alright about it, it makes no difference what anyone else says about it, just be who you are."
I tell her she is absolutely right about that. I makes no difference what anyone else says about what you are wearing as long as you feel comfortable and you can be who you are.
   So the moral of the story is this, the clothes don't make a person, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in and be the person you are. A person makes the clothes they wear. So you see, I feel comfortable wearing the clothes I do and I could really care less what someone else says about it. They are not goin to make me change just to suit their sense of what is proper for my gender. I guess that could be considered "gender profiling" and it's wrong. People need to get over stereo-typing and just accept people for who they are.

More later.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dressed for the Day

     Ok, so far no one has really looked at this blog so I will continue in the same thread as yesterday. What I have left out from yesterdays intro was the type of clothes I have been wearing. True, womens clothes are just that but its the type of clothes that I'm interested in.
     At first it was just bras and underwear. I would put those on and then put on my everyday street clothes (male of course) and then go on about my day. But when I would get to a shipper/receiver or to fuel the truck, I would have to change out of the bra part and put on a regular t-shirt in order to conduct my business. That went for awhile and then I got bolder. I would leave on my fake boobs and conduct my business as usual heedless of the fact that I may be being watched by other people.
     For awhile I was risking myself in discovery by others and would have to explain myself as to why I was dressed the way I was. And I was dreading that time. The one person who I was really dreading it the most from was my wife. She knew I was doing it for the most part and did not understand why I was so into it. I tried to explain it to her but she just would not accept it. I don't really blame her for it either.
     She tried to get me to quit doing it for the longest time and I would for awhile and then it would start all over again. I suppose it was a form of O.C.D. It was something I need to do, a way of dealing with things I guess. I have wanted to dress in front of her but have been too afraid of what she would say or think or feel knowing that she would criticize me and maybe "cut me down". So now that I drive a truck and I am on my own so to speak, I can dress however I want and she would be none the wiser. But I know she knows I still dress this way.
     So now on to the types of clothes I've been interested here lately. I have been getting into the renaissance style of clothes that were worn back in the 13th-16th centuries. I like the corsets, bodices, dresses and such. Now I won't wear the long court type dresses but more along the line of the "wench" style of clothes. I have ordered a number of things from the internet and had them shipped to an alternate address so my wife won't know about them. I have a few corsets already that I can wear over a shirt type skirt and I put that with another "mini skirt" type bottom and add some boots to complete the outfit. Of course I also have on stockings as well.
     And with that I can go out in public, limited as it were and conduct my business at the shippers/receivers and no one says anything to me about it. I know they want to but they respect me and not say anything.

I know this is a long blog but there is more to this and I will save it for later. I have so much more to add to this and I don't want to put it all down now and not have anything left to add later. Be patient.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dressing For Pleasure

Well, this is a new blog for me, but I already have another one by a different name. As the title says, I dress for pleasure. Meaning I have an alternative style of dress that I like to do and would like to to dress more often but society would think that I am strange.
My style of dress is that of a woman. Let me clarify that somewhat more better. I am a guy that likes to wear womens that that has sunk in somewhat, I will elaborate. I like to wear clothes that are meant for the opposite sex but I am not gay, nor trying to be a "trans-sexual". I am a guy and will always remain a guy for the rest of my life. Not very many people know this about me but now that I have created this blog, the whole world will know. As for the people who actually know this about me they seem to think that I should quit this and be who I am, a guy. But by doing so it is denying me of who I am completely.
You see, society has set rules for the genders and a woman dresses like a woman and a guy dresses like a guy. It has been that way for thousands of years. There are some that have gone ahead and changed their sexual gender and then there are some that feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I am neither of those groups. I simply like to wear the clothes made for the opposite gender. Why you might ask? Well for one, I feel more comfortable in those clothes. It does not give a "sexual thrill" as some might think. I have started recently wearing my clothes more openly in public places and I know that there are people who would look at me and not say a word but deep down inside they really want to ask me, Why are you wearing womens clothes?
For them I say this, why are you wearing the clothes you have on? Is it because you have to? Is it because you want to? Or is it because you have no other choice but to put on the same type of clothes day in and day out and dress the way society tells you to?
I know this brings up an interesting topic of discussion. Are we judged on what we wear in public? Or are we judged by our personality? Do the clothes make the person or does the person make the clothes?? Is it right for a man to express his femininity in public however he chooses, being by the way he dresses, acts, talks, walks, etc....?    Frankly I really don't care what people think about the way I dress as long as they deal with me as a person. They don't have to like me, but at least they can respect me for who I am regardless of the way I dress.
The next thing I am about to reveal is that I drive a truck.......yep I'm a truck driver. I have worn my female clothes to various shippers and receivers and I know for a fact that they have wanted to say something to but have held their tongues because they know they have no right to tell a person what they can and cannot wear but as long as they abide by the policies for drivers. I have even seem a few people laugh at me after they have finished their business with me. I say, SO WHAT!!!!! I REALLY DON"T CARE!!!!! Cause chances are I won't be back around to that shipper/receiver for another 6-10 months anyway.

So, I will leave this to all you bloggers out there to comment/flame on and will keep posting anyway.

Drusylla Petticoat