Saturday, October 16, 2010

Situational dressing

   There comes a time when dressing for pleasure is not feaseable and other times it can be done and little is said about it. As I drive, my style of dress does not really get noticed. Trucks and cars pass me on the freeway and little or no eye contact is made, mainly due to the speed of the vehicles that pass me makes it almost impossible to get a good look at the persons in other vehicles. So, whatever I decide to wear makes no difference.
   On the other hand, whenever I decide to stop to get a bite to eat or to fuel the truck I have to be mindful of my surroundings and decide on whether or not my clothes will be noticed or not. This morning I put on my mini skirt, shirt skirt and corset along with my boots and fueled the truck up. There were other trucks in the fuel lanes but I was parked on the last lane on my side of the island. Yeah a few trucks pulled in but no one, that I could tell, really looked at me or paid me much attention. So far so good, I played the situation and "got away with it". So its onto the freeway I go and start my drive to my final destination in Ohio.
   I finally arrived in Ohio and get parked at a truckstop  for the night and decide to go get a bite to eat. I slip out of mini skirt and put on my long multi-layered skirt instead. I get out of the truck thinking that the restaurant is not really busy. I get closer and notice that are a number of people there and decide that its not really worth the risk of goin in looking like I do. I assessed the situation and made the decision to change into normal street clothes. And its a good thing I did cause I was stopped by another driver and asked a few questions about trucking stuff.
   So you see, I do think about where I am in order to make a decision on what type of dress is appropriate. I try not to really push the idea of me being a guy wearing "girley" clothes in public. There was a time that I would have changed no matter what the situation was cause I did not want anyone to know my "secret". I was very cautious about what other people would think. I guess this goes back to my early teen years or something.
   As far as I can remember I have been dressing in girl clothes and have hid it from people because I was afraid of what they would say or think or how they would react to seeing me. There were a few people in my life that have tried to get me to change who I was in order to be "normal". I can even recall a time when I was taken to a child psychologist in order to get me to come clean about my desire to wear girl clothes. I think that only lasted one or two visits when it was discovered that I would not talk about it. I lived with a certain parental figure where I discovered that it was ok to do this but not around other people and not out of the house. You could say it was sorta forced upon me as a kid and I have not learned to outgrow it. Some would say that its just a "phase" and I would outgrow it in time. Well some 25 years have passed and I still have not outgrown it yet.
   I have probably mentioned one time b4 that my wife knows to a point that i still dress in girl clothes on the truck. She has even tried to get me to change. I guess I'm stubborn or something. I have tried on my own to get rid of the clothes and had succeeded at one time, but like all habits they seem to return and re-assert themselves in the life of the individual. Me included. I have given up on trying to get rid of it and just go on about my life as best I can. Like I mentioned b4, I'm not gay or trying to be a trans-sexual person. I simply enjoy being who I am and doing what I like to do. I know it may bother some people, especially family members, those that know that is, but I will not try to force them to understand. I just won't let them know. 
   So the situation does dictate on whether or not I can wear what I want to in public. I am mindful of what the general population may think regarding this lifestyle. It goes especially for certain areas of the country, like the southern states area for example. 


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